Why Now Is The Perfect Time To Buy Solar Panels

Solar panels might be the perfect solution if you’re a homeowner looking to make your home more energy efficient. Not only are they environmentally friendly, but they can also drastically reduce your monthly electricity bills. 

Now is an especially opportune time to invest in solar panel installation as the cost of pricing is low and the technology continues to improve – making transitions towards renewable resources more accessible. 

Keep reading to learn all the fantastic benefits of investing in solar power technology and why now is the best time to buy them!

Our team here at CEV ltd have been providing homeowners and business owners with solar PV panels for several years; over this time, we have seen the industry change, and we are now seeing the perfect time for buying solar panels emerge. 

If you are a homeowner or a business owner and have been considering solar panels for your home, now is the time to consider it genuinely.

Engineers installing solar panels

How Do Solar Panels Work?

Solar panels work by converting sunlight into usable electricity through a process called the photovoltaic (PV) effect. When sunlight hits the solar panel’s photovoltaic cells, it causes electrons in the semiconductor material to become excited and move around, creating an electric current.

This current is captured by the wiring on the surface of the solar panel and sent to an inverter, which converts the direct current (DC) into alternating current (AC) for use in your home. 

Excess electricity can be sent back to the electrical grid. Solar panels harness the power of sunlight to produce clean, renewable electricity.

5 Reasons Why Now Is the Perfect Time to Buy Solar PV Panels

No VAT on Panels and Installations: 

No VAT is charged on solar PV panels and installations, which means you can save 20% on the overall cost. 

The UK government has provided this VAT exemption as part of its efforts to encourage the adoption of renewable energy sources and reduce carbon emissions. By making solar power more affordable, the government hopes to increase the number of homes and businesses using renewable energy and help meet its carbon reduction targets.

However, this could change in the upcoming UK parliamentary budget, making now the perfect time to invest in solar PV. The grants and incentives the government put in place are only sometimes guaranteed to stay, which is why we believe you should strike while the iron is hot and get your brand-new solar panels installed soon! 

Short Payback Periods: 

The price of energy has risen rapidly in the past year, reducing the payback periods for solar PV systems. This means you can start seeing a return on your investment sooner.

When you have solar panels installed in your home or even your commercial property, you do so to help you save money on your energy bills; these days, you will get a return much quicker than in previous years; this is all due to the cost of living crisis. 

Off-Peak Tariffs: 

Off-peak tariffs for solar panels refer to electricity pricing plans offered by some energy companies that provide discounted rates for electricity consumption during certain times of the day or night. 

These plans can benefit homeowners with solar panels, as they help maximise the financial benefits of solar power by encouraging electricity consumption when the solar panels produce the most energy.

No Planning Permission Needed: 

In most instances, solar PV panels and battery systems can be installed under permitted development rules, meaning you don’t need planning permission.

You may only need planning permission when the solar panels are installed on a listed building, in a conservation area, or on a property subject to certain restrictions or covenants. You need to speak to someone from your local authority to learn more about this. 

Adds Value to Your Home: 

Solar PV panels and battery systems help you save money on your energy bills and add a sought-after environmental aspect to your home, meaning it will attract the attention of buyers looking for a home or building with renewable energy options attached. 

In addition to the financial and environmental benefits of installing solar panels, they can also add value to your home. Many homebuyers consider solar panels a desirable feature, as they can provide energy savings and help reduce the home’s carbon footprint.

There has never been a better time to invest in solar PV panels. With the current absence of VAT, rising energy prices, and the potential to save even more money with off-peak tariffs and shorter payback periods, it’s a wise investment for any homeowner looking to save money and add value their property.

Speak To Our Team Here At CEV Ltd For Solar Panel Installations 

In conclusion, now, more than ever is the perfect time to invest in solar panels. They offer various benefits right now and many more throughout the coming years. 

With lower electricity prices, improved technology, better efficiency, multiple tax credits, and other financial incentives, installing solar panels is a great way to save money today and in the future. 

Suppose those weren’t enough reasons already; making the switch can also positively impact the environment. Plus, it’s easy and convenient, with most installation processes taking a few days or less. 

To reap all these benefits mentioned here today, contact CEV Ltd for your solar panel needs, including battery storage solutions. They will provide you with full service for all stages of the installation process—from start to finish. Don’t wait any longer! 

Investing in solar panels can significantly reduce your energy bill, so what are you waiting for? Contact CEV Ltd today! 

Solar Panels on home